dimanche 13 septembre 2015

bug report

Hi dear users !
First of all, I'd like to introduce myself :
I'm just a french student in engineering developing extensions on his spare time. I'm glad to make things that are useful to people, and I'd be even happier if you would give me feedback about what you would be able to do with this extension, or if you spotted a bug.
For features you would like me to add, post a comment under this article that sums up what is being implemented : http://pagetimer.blogspot.fr/2015/09/page-timer.html
For bugs, please comment under this article.

This extension is available on
google chrome : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-timer/fahebinhklaebeegpmcceoggckkmbbnd
opera : https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/page-timer/
please add the name of your webbrowser in your comment.

page timer

1 -- launch a timer from the popup
    1 -- set focus on the input box
    1 -- launch the timer by pressing enter
1 -- launch a timer from the context menu